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What is meant by control of childhood asthma?
R J Green, M Klein
Since asthma is such a common problem efforts are mounting to provide normal quality of life for sufferers. Recent asthma guidelines from around the world have suggested that control of asthma is both possible and desirable. However the idea of asthma control places a burden of responsibility on doctors and parents that may or may not be easy to achieve. Many strategies of assessing asthma control have been suggested. Guidelines favour patient questionnaires and scores. However, spirometry and biomarkers have also been suggested. This review highlights the many weaknesses uncovered in each assessment parameter. However, the final message should be that control of asthma should still be aimed for. The sum of multiple measures of control is most important and where even one parameter stands alone in suggesting poor control this test should carry over-riding consideration and the patients asthma should be reviewed with an aim to improving control.
Authors' affiliations
R J Green, University of Pretoria
M Klein, University of Pretoria
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Continuing Medical Education 2010;28(9):408.
Article History
Date submitted: 2010-04-08
Date published: 2010-10-11
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